Wednesday 3 September 2008

Preping the garage ahead of the build

To make the garage a brighter and less dusty work space I have sealed and painted the walls and roof with emulsion. The floor still needs painting with special red floor paint but need to wait for the sealant to dry fully. As there is no power or lighting, I have wired up a 5ft fluorescent batten light with an extension lead running from the house. The many many spiders that were happy in the dark have now been "re-homed" most relocated themselves into the house, pesky little blighters. Next job is to get the floor finished and sort out some storage ahead of the kit arriving.

After what seems like yonks, with a big job interview and “work” work getting in the way, I managed to get a solid weekend in the garage…. The result is a nice dust free “Tile red” floor. This needs to fully harden for 5 days to prevent lifting at pressure points/ oily patches. Then a carefully selected pile of useful things can go in. I’ve bough two sets of 2 ton axle stands so the chassis will sit at slightly more comfortable working height. I may also look into getting some carpet off-cuts as the floor painting process highlighted that “concrete is indeed hard on the knees”.